Shauntee was born to worship. She’s been the lead worshipper of ACTS Kingdom Sound Worship since it started. Her deep love for Jesus overflows and is shown through her passion in prophetic worship. Her Passion is to live for Christ alone and strive …

Shauntee was born to worship. She’s been the lead worshipper of ACTS Kingdom Sound Worship since it started. Her deep love for Jesus overflows and is shown through her passion in prophetic worship. Her Passion is to live for Christ alone and strive to spread his love through her actions and her gift of singing. She is married to her loving husband Mark Agro and has been blessed with a handsome son Carmello Agro.


Role: To develop and lead the worship music ministry for the church. Write and sing about what God is doing currently in the earth. Select and plan music for Sunday services and special events. Create prophetic culture of worship. Recruit, equip, supervise and shepherd music team and musicians. Organize, coordinate and motivate singers, musicians and technical team members. Have regular practice. Direct outreach events into the community via performances. Assist with administration, systems, budgets and facilities.

Shauntee Agro

Director of Worship


Kingdom Sound Worship leads our congregation into prophetic worship through songs & dance. Our singers and instrumentalists are talented and dedicated individuals who set an atmosphere where God can minister to the hearts of His people.

The Worship ministry is an integral part of our church and plays a core role in allowing the Holy Spirit to manifest in miracles, signs and wonders; Bringing heaven to earth.


If you’d like more information about our Music Worship Ministry click the button down below.