Fitzroy is a faithful passionate lover of God. He loves God and God’s people. He has a servant heart and loves to help people. He is passionate about fulfilling God’s call on his life to impact his sphere of influence. He is zealous about leading me…

Fitzroy is a faithful passionate lover of God. He loves God and God’s people. He has a servant heart and loves to help people. He is passionate about fulfilling God’s call on his life to impact his sphere of influence. He is zealous about leading men to Christ and helping them manifest Christ in their marriages, families, work, church, world and personal lives.


Role: Assist in all areas with the Men’s ministry such as: assist with leading and facilitating a men’s small group. Plan events or activities to help strengthen the men in ACTS and reach out to the Unchurched Community. Cultivate community service and outreach amongst men. Train and equip men to be Godly husbands, fathers, mentors and raise strong kingdom families. Work closely with Robert Brown and participate in corporate worship services. Help with the transition from boys to men in ACTS.

Fitzroy Leslie

Men’s Ministry Director

Men’s Power Group is a safe place where men can come to be rescued, transformed and empowered. Our men’s group has fantastic leaders who will walk alongside you as you become Godly husbands, fathers and mentors for your family. Often, men do not have an outlet to express themselves. However, we welcome you into our family and will help to equip you with a supportive group of men. These men want to see you come into the fullness that God has created you to be! Our Men’s Power Group aims to raise up a generation of men to fulfill the call of God on their lives; to impact their families, communities, nations and the world.


Men’s Microchurch 

Online - Zoom: Men's Micro Church

Time: Mondays 7:30 pm 

Bi weekly